Sunday, January 24, 2010


"If you can't fly, run. If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, crawl, but by all means KEEP MOVING." -Martin Luther King Jr.
Bad things come and go. They sap your strength. From intense enthusiasm, it can push you into your lowest low. It's the reality. This world is unfair. Humans are rude. So your effortless flying can become a desperate crawling, anytime. Most of the time, it comes in times when you least expect it. But you just can't afford staying in what's worst-- because no matter how bleak it may seem, by faith, there are always better things ahead. It's paniful to let go. It takes a pruned pride to forgive, it takes time to heal a broken soul, it requires an effort to be happy-- but it's for the best that you have to move on.

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